
Maritime Faculty started education in 1988 with the title School of Maritime Business and Management in the body of the Dokuz Eylul University as the first higher education school in Turkey concerning maritime business. The medium of instruction of the Faculty is English and the main aim is to meet the qualified manpower requirements of the Turkish maritime industry. When the department was founded in 1995, its official name was Nautical Science or Deck Department. The Department curriculum covers International Maritime Organization (IMO) STCW Convention Table A-II/1 and A-II/2 fields and also required engineering courses. The first students enrolled in the department in the 1995-1996 academic year. The first graduates were given in 1999 and in the same year, the first women student enrolled. The department moved to its new facilities in Tınaztepe Campus in 2002. The graduates have the right to sit for the Oceangoing Watchkeeping Officer exam held by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications. After the School of Maritime Business and Management turned into Maritime Faculty in 2009, the department’s name became Marine Transportation Engineering. In the 2011-2012 academic year a joint degree program with Maine Maritime Academy was started. The Marine Transportation Engineering Department has master’s and doctorate programs named Maritime Safety, Security, and Environmental Management under the Graduate School of Social Sciences.